Bellefontaine City Schools to Enforce Strict Cell Phone Policy


Bellefontaine City Schools has implemented a strict cell phone policy aimed at minimizing distractions and ensuring a focused learning environment.

The new policy, effective immediately, outlines clear restrictions and consequences for violations involving personal electronic devices such as cell phones, smartwatches, and other gadgets.

Policy Highlights:

-Usage Restrictions: Students are required to turn off and store cell phones and smart watches in their lockers during school hours, from 7:20 A.M. to 2:50 P.M. Usage of these devices is prohibited during instructional time.
-Office Phone Access: Students may use the school office telephone with permission before school, during lunch, and after school for personal calls.

Consequences for Violations:

-First Offense: The device will be confiscated by staff and kept in the office. Students can retrieve their devices at the end of the school day.
-Second Offense: The device will be confiscated and held in the office. Students will receive a detention, and parents will need to pick up the device at the end of the day.
-Third Offense: The device will be confiscated, and students will face In-School Suspension. Parents can retrieve the device at the end of the school day.
-Fourth Offense: The device will be confiscated, and students will receive In-School Suspension. A mandatory parent meeting will be scheduled, and students’ phone and electronic privileges will be suspended for 30 school days.

Listen in to Principal Cliff Core run down the changes and why the district made them:


Parents and guardians are advised to contact their children through the school office with the principal’s permission if they need to get in touch during the school day.

This policy is designed to enhance the educational environment by reducing distractions and ensuring that students remain focused on their studies. The school administration urges all students and parents to adhere to these guidelines to support a productive and orderly school experience.

For further information or questions, please contact the school office.