The Ohio Hi-Point Career Center Board of Education met Wednesday evening.
The board held a small ceremony, to recognize the 2023/2024 Students of the Month.
Congratulations to these students:
- September, Zavian Groom, Graphic Media Arts, Urbana High School; Kendra Kirk, Health Careers Academy, Marysville High School
- October, Allison Harlan, Graphic Media Arts, Triad High School; Carly Goodman, Graphic Media Arts, Triad High School
- November, Alyson Swinehart, Cosmetology, Marysville High School; Brielle Cotterman, Exercise Science, Upper Scioto Valley
- December, Duskin Jones, Graphic Media Arts, Benjamin Logan High School; Hope Brownlee, Criminal Justice, Riverside High School
- January, Kelsey Bushong, Education Academy, Kenton High School; Rachael McBride, Culinary Arts Graham, High School
- February, Kaitlyn Gregg, Exercise Science, Triad High School; Jalon Manns, Education Academy, Kenton High School
- March, Trinity Koch, Health Careers Academy, Indian Lake High School; Jeremiah Pelfrey, Graphic Media Arts, Graham High School
- April, Keianna Notestine, Spa, Riverside High School; Anna Brodman, Criminal Justice, Waynesfield Goshen High School
- May, Hannah Gordon, Criminal Justice, Bellefontaine High School; Isabella Hoffman, Graphic Media Arts, Kenton High School
Assistant Superintendant, Brad Richardson gave a student update and the school year wraps up:
The board agreed to a new set of internship agreements. Students will now be able to intern at:
- Anytime Fitness, Bellefontaine
- Beauty by Tylor, Delaware
- Green Hills Community, West Liberty
- Hondros College of Nursing, Westerville
- O’Reilly’s Auto Parts, Marysville
- O’Reilly’s Auto Parts, Urbana
- Ruthie’s Cutting Up, Mt. Victory
Donald Jaunzemis, Business Operations Coordinator, will retire effective July 31, 2024, and Elijah Woodruff, English Instructor, has resigned because he is moving out of the area, effective June 30, 2024.
These new staff members were hired:
- Hunter Clemons, English Instructor
- Carrie Godfrey, Math Instructor
- Andrew Goings, Fire/EMT Instructor
- Zoe Parrott, Agriculture Education
The board thanked those who recently made donations to the school. They include:
- $750 to the ASPIRE Champion Fund and $250 to the OHP Scholarship Fund from Solomon’s Garage of West Liberty
- $500 to the ASPIRE Champion Fund and $500 to the OHP Scholarship Fund from Manchester Farms of Lakeview
- $1,000 to the ASPIRE Champion Fund from Community Health & Wellness of Bellefontaine
- $200 to the Riverside High School Satellite BPA Fund from Terry Reeder of Bellefontaine, for students to travel to San Diego, CA, for the Lifesmarts Competition
Convocation will occur on May 22, 2024, at 6:30 PM at Bellefontaine High School Gymnasium.
You can attend the next Ohio Hi-Point Career Center’s Board of Education meeting on May 22, 2024, at 6 PM at Bellefontaine High School.