By: Alli Harlan
The Urbana City Council met in regular session Tuesday night.
Officials from the Ohio Wildlife Division, Nicholas Oliver and Gary Comer, started by talking about the deer population within the city.
The council plans to survey the community to collect numbers and information on this problem.
Mayor Bill Bean touches on the topic:
In the Board of Control, the council passed:
Enter into a contract with D.L. Smith Concrete LLC for $303,340.00 (bid amount $288,895.00 plus 5% contingency $14,445.00) for the 2024 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Project (see attached). The engineer’s estimate for this project was $285,864.00.
In old business, a second reading was approved:
Ordinance 4572-24: Extend the approval of the preliminary development plan and related plan exhibits for the planned unit development to be known as Dugan Place that was originally approved by Urbana City Council on May 17, 2022, with the passage of Ordinance 4572-22.
In new business, the following had its first reading:
Ordinance 4607-24: Accept the annexation of a parcel consisting of approximately 2.334 acres, more or less, to the City of Urbana, Ohio.
A resolution that passed was:
Resolution 2692-24: Authorize the Director of Administration to submit an application to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources under the Round 30 NatureWorks programs for park improvements and to sign the grant agreement and proceed with these improvements upon grant award.
City Engineer, Tyler Bumbalough talks about this potential project:
Chief Dean Ortlieb, from the Urbana Fire Division, mentioned that interviews for filling two open positions are scheduled for next week.
Ortlieb and Bean told the council that the EMA within Champaign County is for the public and encourages more people to attend their meetings to see what’s happening in the area.
In other topics, the compost facility is open and fully staffed.
Vandalism was mentioned as it is starting to be a problem in the city.
The council wants to remind the community to treat the property respectfully and carefully.
Located on the third floor of the city building, the next meeting will be held on May 21st at 6 PM.