Critical Call for Blood and Platelet Donors: Help Save Lives with the Red Cross Saturday, July 27 by April King The American Red Cross urges donors to give blood or platelets now to reinforce the blood supply as much as possible before the summer... Read More.
Mother Flown From Accident Listed in Critical Condition Friday, March 29 by News Room A pedestrian was struck in the roadway outside of Belle Center Thursday afternoon. The Logan County Sheriff's Office reports that Micah Burkholder, 34, of Rushsylvania,... Read More.
Red Cross: Donation Appointments Critical in Coming Weeks Sunday, October 29 by April King As October comes to a close, the American Red Cross urges blood and platelet donors to make and keep donation appointments now to help... Read More.
United Way hosting Blood Drive on Friday amid critical need in Logan County Thursday, June 22 by News Room Community Blood Center is reporting a critical need for blood donations in Logan County. There is a shortage of Type 0-, A-, and B-... Read More.