Mathews Sworn in to Serve Ohio’s 83rd House District Tuesday, January 7 by Dan BigelowState Representative Ty Mathews (R-Findlay) took the oath of office Monday for his first term as a member of the Ohio House of Representatives....
Schultz Newest Natural Resources Officer to Serve Indian Lake Monday, August 19 by April KingThe Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) has eight new Natural Resources Officers who were sworn in during a commissioning ceremony at Deer...
Vollrath to Serve as 2024 United Way Campaign Chair Friday, August 16 by News RoomYou'd be hard-pressed to find a bigger champion for Logan County than Ben Vollrath. The President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce moved...
Logan County Angels Formed to Help Families; United Way to Serve as Fiscal Agent Wednesday, March 13 by April KingMoved by recent tragedies involving local students, a new organization has formed to help grieving families experiencing the untimely death of a child. The...