Submitted by Sally Stolly
Gov. Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted recently issued a proclamation recognizing January as School Board Recognition Month. The proclamation honors school board members for their important role in advocating “for the best interests of the students served in their districts,” and it is “important that communities support school boards so that students receive the best education and are prepared to be the leaders of tomorrow.”
“Our school board members are citizen-servants who carry critical responsibilities and often make difficult choices for our district,” said Superintendent John Scheu. “Their emphasis is always on helping all our students be successful in their future endeavors. Celebrating School Board Recognition Month is one way to show gratitude for all they do.”
At the January 9th board of education meeting, Superintendent John Scheu will join others from throughout the district to make a special effort to tell each school board member his or her hard work has been noticed and is very much appreciated.
Board members serving the Benjamin Logan Local School District are:
Chris Larsen, Board President – “Board membership provides an opportunity to pay back the district that has been influential in so many lives in the past, and to continue Benjamin Logan’s tradition of excellence in influencing future leaders. I have been a board member for two years.”

Karen Dill, Board Vice-President – “I am a graduate of Benjamin Logan and was a 30-year teacher for the district. I ran for school board because I felt I could still make a difference in the lives of people at Benjamin Logan.” Mrs. Dill is serving her fifth year.

Mark Himmeger, Board Member – “I want Benjamin Logan to not only be the best school in Logan County but one of the best in West Central Ohio. I’m currently serving in my first year.”

Deb Johnson, Board Member – “This is the fifth year I have served on the Benjamin Logan Board of Education. Students get only one chance at a quality education. For that reason, I want the Benjamin Logan School District to provide each student with a superior educational experience that supports each student’s needs now and in the future.”

Scott Spriggs, Board Member – “As a community member and a parent of Raiders, I have a personal interest in preserving and improving the quality of our school district. Being a board member provides me with a meaningful way I can give back to my community. This is my third year serving on the board.”

“It’s more important than ever that communities support public education so that today’s students are prepared to be productive citizens and the leaders of tomorrow,” said Jennifer Sudhoff, Treasurer/CFO. “Please take a moment and tell school board members ‘thanks for caring about our children and giving so much to our community.’ Let them know we support them and that their dedicated service toward steering the positive financial status of the district is recognized and truly appreciated.”