BLMS wins Ohio STEM classroom grant


The Benjamin Logan Middle School will be awarded $5,000 to expand STEM learning projects through Ohio STEM Learning Network Classroom Grant Program, funded by Battelle. The 223 grants issued this fall will create sustainable, STEM learning projects to benefit students for years to come.

The project, “BLMS’ Vertical Version of Growth” will stimulate interest in learning about a new way of farming through project-based learning of hydroponic and aeroponic gardening. Grant writer, Gretchen Powell shared, “This project revolves around students who are not sitting at desks listening to a lecture, but who are up and actively participating in not only the growth of food production but also their own crop harvesting. Hands-on lessons about texture and taste, learning names of different species of plants, photosynthesis, measuring nutrient density, experimental design, and sustainability will literally be at the students’ fingertips within three weeks, as the plants grow three times as fast using the basic foundation that plants need: water at the roots, carbon dioxide, and light.”

Gretchen Powell

In total, 163 public schools join Benjamin Logan Middle School in winning the award. The program reached students in one of every seven school districts (124) across 60 Ohio counties.

“Every Ohio community should have access to the kind of quality STEM education that drives opportunity for families and job growth in our state,” said Kelly Gaier Evans, Director of the Ohio STEM Learning Network. “This program creates champions of STEM in local communities and, through them, fosters new opportunities for students.”

The grant program fosters the growth of the Ohio STEM Learning Network as a public-private partnership between Battelle and the State of Ohio. Providing more access for all students to experience quality science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education is Battelle’s top philanthropic priority.

“Battelle is proud to invest in the hundreds of educators who submitted ideas to expand STEM learning for their students,” said Wes Hall, Vice President of Philanthropy & Education. “Together, we can inspire a new generation to solve the most pressing challenges of the future.”

Awarded classrooms will receive grants of up to $5,000. Projects aligned to at least one of four focus areas:

  • Community Problem Solving
  • STEM Career Exploration
  • Building STEM Mindsets
  • Design Thinking and Security

Educators interested in future awards for the program or other support for STEM education from the Ohio STEM Learning Network can sign up here. A complete list of awarded schools is available at this link.

Awarded schools by county


Graham Elementary School

Madison Champaign Educational Service Center


Benjamin Logan Middle School


Dublin Jerome High School

Marysville STEM Early College High School