Whether it’s dropping a few pounds, taking up a new hobby, or reading more, everyone has something they want to do differently in 2024.
Here’s what made the top 10 list when I Googled resolutions:
- Building a better budget – After the holidays have been here and gone, many folks are left with a large pile of credit card bills. If there’s one New Year’s resolution that will help you the most in the long run, it’s making a vow to save more money.
- Drink less alcohol- You already know you don’t need to drink to have fun — so why not make this year the one you cut back and join the sober movement? Doing so can help to improve your mood, sleep, skin, and your immune system. Plus, it’ll also help you save money, booze is expensive.
- Better sleep routines- Many issues can be traced back to a poor night’s sleep. And yet, there is so much more that we can aim to improve beyond a reasonable bedtime.
- Quit smoking- Cigarettes are so very harmful to your health, especially your lungs — but tobacco products in general pose a serious threat. I kicked the habit just over 10 years ago!
- Eat more veggies- Whether you’re working on weight management or towards a balanced diet, vegetables are your friends.
- Quit putting off going to the doctor- As I get older, and am not as young as I used to be, this is more important. Open your calendar app or planner and make your appointments for the year in one sitting — not only will you get the nuisance over with, but exams will be less likely to get squeezed out as life gets bonkers. Start with your primary care provider, and ask which screenings (ie, mammogram, colonoscopy, etc.) you’re due for. Get those dates penciled in and then move on to the dentist’s office and head over to your ophthalmologist, too.
- Take the stairs- Instead of the elevator. A recent study found that tired people who climbed stairs for 10 minutes got a bigger energy boost than those who had the caffeine of a can of soda or half a cup of coffee. And another plus, it burns calories too!
- Plan a vacation- A recent study found that those who took a vacation at least twice a year have a lower heart attack risk than those who don’t. Researchers have found that even thinking about and planning an upcoming trip can boost happiness for weeks.
- Volunteer- Oh my goodness, this one does the most of your soul. Get involved with your local food shelter, church, and other non-profit organizations.
- Try a new diet- Getting healthier is something we all need to do. What we put in our bodies is so important.
That’s it, the top 10 New Year’s Resolutions.
Here’s some locals talking about their resolutions:
In 2023 I had the resolution to stop drinking soda pop and drop 50 pounds.
Was it hard, YES! Did I succeed, YES!!!