Lt. Governor Husted Speaks at Legislative Breakfast


Green Hills was the gracious host to the Logan County Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast Tuesday Morning.

Featured speaker, Lutientant Governor Jon Husted spoke to the room of approximately 100 Logan County movers and shakers.

Husted spoke about how business is booming in Ohio.

Lots of businesses are relocating to Ohio because we offer tax cuts for small businesses and are working on providing a workforce that is driven, educated, and motivated.

Ohio is building a reputation in the United States that the state is growing in business and that we not only value the business but we value the people.

Husted went on to talk about how important it is to value families that not only support one another but are able to do so locally.

The Lt. Governor gave these remarks about what is driving companies to Ohio and how important it is to continue the momentum the state currently has:

He went on to talk about how it is important to not only educate students but to work on continuing education and skills as adults.

Lastly, Husted said, “People are seeking their version of the American Dream.” He went on to say, “I’ll tell you this, people get meaning from these four things…from their work, from their family, from their faith, and from their community.”