Urbana City Council Meets; Approves Several Ordinances


The Urbana City Council met to approve several ordinances in their final meeting of the year.

The Board of Control recommended the council authorize a purchase order to The Shelly Company for $65,610.40 for Change Order #1 of the FAA Hangar taxi lane pavement Rehabilitation project at Grimes Field Airport. The FAA-eligible portion of the change order, $31,275.40, will have 90% FAA grant funding, 5% ODOT grant funding, and 5% local funding. The remaining $34,335.00 of the project will be paid from the Airport Fund reserves and is not in the 2024 budget. This recommendation was considered by the council and approved unanimously.

The council voted on and approved the following ordinances,

  • Ordinance 4390-24: An ordinance approving a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Urbana, Ohio, and the City of Urbana Firefighters and the Urbana Firefighters Association, LA.F.F. Local 595, and declaring an emergency.
  • Ordinance 4392-24: An ordinance approving a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Urbana, Ohio, and the City of Urbana Fire Captains & Lieutenants and the Urbana Firefighters Association, I.A.F.F. Local 595, and declaring an emergency.
  • Ordinance 4395-24: An ordinance approving a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Urbana, Ohio, and the City of Urbana Police Patrol Officers and the Fraternal Order of Police/Ohio Labor Council, Inc., and declaring an emergency.
  • Ordinance 4396-24: An ordinance approving a collective bargaining agreement between the City of Urbana, Ohio, and the City of Urbana Police Sergeants and the Fraternal Order of Police/Ohio Labor Council, Inc., and declaring an emergency.
  • Ordinance 4612-24: An ordinance authorizing the Director of Administration to enter into a pre-annexation agreement with Urbana0624C, LLC.

With the Approval of the ordinances above, the City has now accepted the collective bargaining agreements with the emergency services that expired in mid-November. In these, the city tried to adjust payscales to be more enticing to servicemen to keep them in the ranks and not lose them to bigger and higher-paying communities, according to Director of Administration, Kerry Brugger.

The council also listened to the second of three readings of Ordinance 4388-25: An ordinance authorizing the Indigent Defense Agreement with the Champaign County Commissioners to allow the City and County to receive partial reimbursement from the Ohio Public Defender Commission for indigent expenses in the Champaign County Municipal Court.

Several new ordinances and resolutions were presented to the council for their approval. All of the following were presented and approved by the council:

  • Resolution 2623-24: A resolution to amend Resolution 2433-23 to modify or increase appropriations within various funds of the City of Urbana, Ohio for current expenses during the fiscal year ending December 31, 2024. (Supplemental Appropriations). This resolution would approve supplemental pay to allow the city to pay its workers for the rest of the calendar year. The ordinance was approved by the council unanimously.
  • Ordinance 4613-24: An ordinance adopting a statement of services to be provided to parcels consisting of approximately 219.986 acres, more or less, in Urbana Township proposed for annexation to the City of Urbana by the petitioners: Urbana Health Facilities, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company; governing board of the Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center; Board of County Commissioners of Champaign County, Ohio; and Organ Farms, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, with Andrew Wecker, attorney-at-law, appointed as agent by petitioners and declaring an emergency.
  • Ordinance 4613-24: An ordinance relating to land use and zoning buffers for territory consisting of approximately 219.986 acres, more or less, in Urbana Township, proposed for annexation to the City of Urbana by the petitioners: Urbana Health Facilities, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company; governing board of the Madison-Champaign Educational Service Center; Board of County Commissioners of Champaign County, Ohio; and Organ Farms, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company, with Andrew Wecker, attorney-at-law, appointed as agent by petitioners and declaring an emergency. (One reading required)
  • Resolution 2703-24: A resolution declaring the necessity of constructing or repairing sidewalks, curbs, and/or gutters along at least portions of N. Main Street, Abbey Lane, S. Walnut Street, W. Water Street, Hovey Street, Eichelberger Drive, Miami Street, N. High Street, Washington Avenue, E. Water Street, and N. Jefferson Avenue, and declaring an emergency. This resolution “paves the way” for sidewalk and curb repairs for the noted locations in the early part of next year.
  • Resolution 2704-24: A resolution to authorize preliminary approval between the City of Urbana, Champaign County, Ohio, and Ohio Department of Transportation for pavement planing and resurfacing of United States Route 68 from south of Springfield-Urbana Pike (SLM 01.27) to the southern corporation limits (SLM 05.08), with a portion located in the city of Urbana. Reference PID No.: 112491, County/Route/Section: CHP-68-1.27, and declaring an emergency. This resolution permits the Ohio Department of Transportation to do necessary repairs to US68 South of Urbana down to the Springfield-Urbana Pike intersection.

The city council will meet again on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.