UHS Cheer is Climbing to Nationals


By: Alli Harlan

Urbana High School Cheerleaders had their first National Bid to compete at the UCA High School Nationals held at the ESPN World Wide Sports Center in Orlando, Florida.

The National event is held from February 9th to February 12th.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to spotlight a hometown team on a national stage, bringing Urbana High School and the Urbana Community pride and excitement.

They are coached by Head Coach, Jenny Payne and Assistant Coach, Amy Russell.

The cost of the trip is roughly $23,000, which includes competition registration, room and board, airfare, and transportation.

Through fundraising efforts and support from local businesses, $11,000 has been raised.

If you or a business would like to contribute to their journey to Nationals, you can make checks out to Urbana HS Cheer, and mail them to;

Urbana Athletic Office, 500 Washington Avenue Urbana, Ohio 43078.

To make an online donation, go to their GoFundMe page, https://gofund.me/52060171.

The Parent Committee has also started a Facebook Page, “Climbing to Nationals.”

Lastly, a fundraiser, “Spirits Wagon” containing various spirits (beer, wine, liquor), lottery tickets, solo cups, etc. will be drawn on Saturday, January 27th. 

Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased Monday, January 8th until Thursday, January 25th by contacting (937) 869-0595. 

You must be 21 or older to win or purchase tickets. 

Help these ladies cheer on the biggest stage in High School cheerleading!