The Benjamin Logan Board of Education met in regular session Monday night. First on the agenda was recognizing the Seniors of the Month for September and October: Joslin Wilber and Hayden Godwin (September), and Alyson Fay and Michael Dilbone (October).
The Board also received an update from Ohio Hi-Point by John Stanford. Stanford told the board that 634 students were enrolled at the main campus at the beginning of the year, the most ever. This number does not include the satellite campi. He said that the annual craft show this past Saturday was well-attended.
Additionally, the campus is preparing for the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Tickets will be available for anyone who wants to watch the event at the highest point in Ohio. He said that events are slated to begin at 10 AM and will last throughout the day.
They are also planning on adding IT and cyber security classes in the future.
The Board also approved several grants that would augment existing security measures. The grants would cover all but $1,142.34, which would come from the general fund.
Superintendent Scheu discusses the additional enhancements:
Several personnel issues were approved by the Board including accepting the resignation of Food Service Worker Teresa Shaw effective June 1, 2024, after 31 years of service. The following were also approved by the board for Detention, Saturday School and Study Table monitors:
- Shannon Peterson
- Sarah Smith
- Anthony Courtney
- David Wood
- Joslin Lee
- Jodie Kavanagh
- Sage Caughenbaugh
The Board also approved Tom Braddock as the new Washington D.C. Chair.
Two students were approved for early graduation in January of 2024 pending their successful completion of requirements.
One donation was received, $1,200 from the United Way of Logan County for the High School ROOTS program, a student-led program that focuses on student mental health and well-being.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, November 27, 2023, at 6:00 PM.
Sally Stolly also contributed to this article.