Graham’s Setty, Guidera Honored at SECO Symposium


Graham’s 5th-grade teacher, Katie Setty, and Middle School Principal Nick Guidera were recently recognized at the Science Education Council of Ohio (SECO) State Symposium. SECO is the Ohio chapter of the National Science Teaching Association.

Mrs. Setty was honored with two awards. She received a Scholarship Award that allowed her to attend the conference at no cost. Katie also received a SECO Member Teaching Grant, providing funds to continue her exemplary work in building STEM culture and classroom opportunities to benefit all her students.

Mr. Guidera was honored with the Administrator Award for Leadership in Science Education. This award is to recognize outstanding leadership in the development, implementation, and maintenance of an outstanding school science program, and the development of science process skills and positive attitudes toward science among students and teachers.

Both Setty and Guidera were nominated by Tracy Merica of the Madison Champaign County ESC.