Calvary’s December Seniors of the month are Abigial Hermiller & Alyssa Reames.
Abigail Hermiller is the daughter of Brian and Jolyn Hermiller.
School Activities & Awards: I have participated in ASB and NHS, and am currently the president of Key Club. I am also in the choir and participate in the student worship team as well as the yearly drama productions. I am a hitter on the volleyball team and I also headed up a broadcasting team for the first time this year. I also help aid teachers during free study halls and am involved in the yearbook as well.
If I were the Principal for the day: I would turn the school day into a fun game day. I would make all the students go outside and play games together like spike ball, volleyball, or tag. At lunch, I would put the school budget to good use and have a pizza party (with dessert, of course). After a day of fun, friends, and games, I would send everyone home early (if they even want to leave) to go relax at home.
Favorite School Memory: This is a hard question, I have so many. I would say the Mr. Davis Banana story…but that’s a long one. My favorite school memory would have to be 4th-period study halls in Mrs. LaBelle’s room, junior year. There were so many good, deep conversations, but also so many hilarious ones and goofing off. I made some really great connections with my friends and I will always remember those days fondly.
People Who Have Been an Inspiration to Me: I have had many widely inspirational people in my life. My parents have been Godly inspirations to me and have shown me that life is just one, big, exciting adventure. My grandma, Jill Smith, fosters a heart of such love, kindness, and gentleness and I hope to be like her in that way one day. Even my friends Somare, Aly, Stella, and Naomi have all reminded me by their actions that life is beautiful and exciting; and that each day is a gift that should be celebrated.
Lately, I have been reading: Honestly, the Hunger Games. I am rereading it for a 3rd time, and for someone who doesn’t read much, that says a lot about a good book.
My advice to parents: Cherish the moments you have with your kids through each stage in life. Enjoy them and be in the moment with them because one day, sooner than you think, they will be all grown up, and you won’t get to see them as often.
My favorite Scripture verse: is Isaiah 6:8 “I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I replied, Here I am; send me.”
What I will be doing after high school: I am planning on going to college for early childhood education with a minor in psychology. I hope to use this knowledge to go overseas and minister to children someday soon.
What I am looking forward to most after high school: I am looking forward to meeting new faces and creating even more friendships. I am also greatly looking forward to the adventure that lies ahead, to seeing new places and doing new things. However, the most exciting part is that I will also slowly be discovering the plan God has for me and the path that He has put me on.
What I will miss the most: I will miss the people the most. I will miss all my friends that made boring school days memorable, and the late nights feel young. I will miss being a part of the volleyball team and in the drama club that I have enjoyed so much through the years. I will also just miss the feeling of being a high school student and living that high school life, even if I do have senioritis right now.
Alyssa Reames is the daughter of Andrea Keller and Brian Reames.
School Activities & Awards: Soccer, National Honor Society, Key Club, ASB, Teacher’s Aide, School Plays.
If I were the Principal for the day: I would give everyone a day off from school.
Favorite School Memory: My favorite school memory is getting coffee once a week with my friend and my sister.
People Who Have Been an Inspiration to Me: My family and friends!
Lately, I have been reading: Disconnected Kids by Dr. Robert Melillo
My advice to parents: Allow your kids to be kids but still encourage them to work hard at everything they do.
My favorite Scripture verse: “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1
What I will be doing after high school: I will be attending college for counseling and possibly minoring in ministry.
What I am looking forward to most after high school: I am looking forward to the new season of life I will get to walk through.
What I will miss the most: I will miss hanging out with my friends at school.