Indian Lake High School Hosts Solvita Blood Drive on August 9th


Indian Lake High School will host a Solvita Blood Drive on Friday, August 9th, from 1-3 pm in response to the critical need for all blood types.

The drive will be held at the school, and the community is encouraged to participate.

Students aged 16 and older are eligible to donate with parental permission.

To be eligible, donors must weigh at least 110 pounds, be in good health on the day of the drive, and have eaten a hearty meal before donating.

Students who donate three times during their high school career will earn a red cord to wear at graduation.

Solvita provides blood for 31 area hospitals, including Mary Rutan in Logan County.

The public is welcome to join in and help make a difference.

To sign up, visit the following link: Solvita Blood Drive Registration.

Thank you for giving the gift of life!