Officers of the Indian Lake Moose Lodge #1533 presented Indian Lake Schools administrators a check Tuesday evening for more than $87,000 from the lodge’s charitable gaming funds.
Indian Lake Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood explains that Moose Treasurer Brian Chew and Administrator Dwaine Brown approached him and IL Athletic Director Jeff Courter about an annual donation to the IL District and Athletic Department a few weeks ago. Dr. Underwood says they never imagined the sum of money would be this large.
Dr. Underwood says this money will supplement plans to move the current ILHS weight room into the former bus garage building once the new bus maintenance facility and garage are complete near ILMS. The current weight room will become part of a larger wrestling room for that growing program. Moving the weight room to a separate building, increasing the space, and purchasing all new equipment will enhance Indian Lake athletic programs and offer additional options for Physical Education classes.