Logan County Farm Bureau Meets for Policy Updates


Members of the Logan County Farm Bureau met in a policy meeting early Monday morning. Members heard updates from several officials including Logan County Sheriff, Randy Dodds, Logan County Dog Warden, Jake Boyd, State Representative, Tim Barhorst, and Logan County Commissioner, Joe Antram.

Antram talked about the upcoming eclipse and the impact that farmers may face as increased traffic comes to the area. Out-of-town people may be seeking places to watch the totality of the solar eclipse. Antram warned meeting goers of the liability of having extra people on their property. He went on to talk about the H2Ohio program coming to Logan County soon. (See more about H2Ohio HERE.) He went on to express his concerns that we need to be good stewards of our farm ground in Logan County, and how the war in Ukraine may affect crop prices here at home.

The Logan County Land Trust was discussed by Greg Knight. The Land Trust helps to protect the natural beauty of Logan County and helps ensure that farm ground remains that way. He went on to talk about cover crops, and how will they help regenerate and preserve. See more about Logan County Land Trust HERE. Bob Stoll, also with the Logan County Land Trust, talked about 23 investments on 360 acres that they have helped here in Logan County. Bringing more than 4 million dollars from the Ohio Department of Agriculture and the United States Department of Agriculture.

Tim Barhorst discussed dredging in our area lakes that are being done by ODNR. He went on to say that there is a program through ODNR where they are looking for land to put the materials. This would tie up farmland from being used for a few years, however, would return needed nutrients to the soil. He asked to be contacted for more information.

Sheriff Randy Dodds discussed how he is having a hard time filling positions within his office. He went on to report that jail numbers are down, to about an average of 50 inmates a day. His office recently had a new K9 donated.

Dog Warden, Jake Boyd also talked about not only is he the dog warden but animal control as well. He encouraged the group to reach out if they see something amiss in the county.

Lastly, Joel Penhorwood, President of the Logan County Farm Bureau talked about how he is concerned about “stoking the fire” when it comes to youth in agriculture:

For more information about the Logan County Farm Bureau, click HERE.