Students from the Ohio Hi-Point/Marysville Business Professionals of America (BPA) Chapter had a great showing at the Region 16 BPA Competition held on January 14 at Ohio Northern University.
Competing against peers from across the region, the following students from the OHP/Marysville BPA Chapter advanced to the BPA State Leadership Conference, where they will have the opportunity to compete and potentially qualify for nationals.
Broadcast News Team
1st place – Jacob Bennett, Dorian Perdomo, Dannie Rajesh, AJ Strong
Digital Media Production
1st place – Klaire Rocazella
Computer Modeling
1st place – Alex King
Health Research Presentation
1st place – Margaux Osting
Podcast Team
1st place – Aaron Boylan, Ben Jones, Alex Nokes, Lincoln Walker
Python Programming
1st place – Andrew Montgomery
SQL Database Fundamentals
1st place – Jacob Weigand
Business Law and Ethics
2nd place – Angela Lizano Rincon
SQL Database Fundamentals
2nd place – Reagan Cooke
Graphic Design Promotion
3rd place – Rebecca Dilley
Students in the OHP/Marysville BPA Chapter are a part of the OHP/Marysville Information Technology, Media Arts, and Performing Arts programs.
The regional competition allowed students to showcase their skills in finance, management, marketing, business, and information technology events, designed to prepare them for leadership roles in the professional world.
“We’re incredibly proud of our students and the hard work they put into preparing for these contests,” said Allison Koch, Career Tech Supervisor. “Their success is a result of their dedication and the quality of the OHP programs at Marysville High School and Marysville Early College High School.”
Business Professionals of America is a national organization dedicated to developing leadership, citizenship, academic, and workplace skills in students pursuing careers in business management, information technology, finance, and other professional fields.
Through competitive events and professional development activities, BPA equips students with the tools they need for success.