United Way Members to Vote on Amendments to Code of Regulations


When United Way of Logan County donors and volunteers gather to celebrate the 2023 Campaign at the LIVE UNITED Awards Breakfast next week, they’ll also vote on proposed changes to the organization’s by-laws.

The United Way Board of Trustees approved changes to update several policies last summer.

However, amendments to the organization’s Code of Regulations require a majority vote at an annual meeting of membership.

Members will gather at 8:00 a.m. at Green Hills Foundation Hall in West Liberty on Tuesday, January 30 to recognize corporate partners for their philanthropic achievements over the last year.

The vote on the amendments to the Code of Regulations will occur during the program.

The proposed amendments to the Code of Regulations include:

  • Defining “members” as Board Members going forward, and not all donors.  This will make the governance of the organization and changing of by-laws much easier going forward.
  • Adding current procedures related to the Agreement with Funded Agencies to the Code of Regulations.

A full version of the proposed, Board-approved amendments to the Code of Regulation can be viewed at www.uwlogan.org.

Printed copies of the proposed changes can be viewed at the United Way office, located at 653 S. Main Street in Bellefontaine.