West Liberty Salem High School Goes Tech Free

West Liberty-Salem High School students are putting down their devices today for a break from technology sponsored by Key Club’s Wellness sub-committee.  The Student Wellness Sub-Committee of Key Club (Chaired by Ava Johnson) has been committed to this event since the school’s October presentation by Captain Frank regarding Internet Safety.  
Students were asked to complete a short survey this week that analyzed student relationships with their personal devices including phones, iPads, and smartwatches. More than half of students responded and anonymously identified their areas of weakness when it comes to using their phones both timely and effectively.  
Today, they are asked to pause their use of those devices by turning them in during homeroom and spending the day free from technology.  High School teachers agreed to be a part of today’s tech-free challenge by teaching classes with as little use of technology as possible! Students who participate will end the day with ‘open gym’ time (remember recess?) and receive their devices back at the end of the day with an extra credit voucher to the class of their choosing.  
We interviewed the students pictured who are on the Wellness Committee, and this is how they plan to spend their “Tech Free” day!  
“I’m going to use tech-free day to focus more on my homework, studying, and not procrastinating!” -Ava Johnson, Chairperson
“I’m going to focus more on my classes, get caught up on my work, and listen to my friends without distractions.” -Audrey Collins
“I’m going to spend more time with my friends and have conversations with my peers!” -Kaylee Blair
“I plan to spend more time talking with friends without distractions and make sure we pay more attention to each other’s conversations.” -Sami King
“I’m going to make sure I’m more focused on doing homework and using the bonus points toward Spanish!” -Caleb Larson
“I’m going to be more interactive with my friends at lunch and stay more focused on my classes.” -Dylan King
Parents and families are encouraged to also participate in the challenge and ask students how they feel about going device-free.  A regular break from technology has several benefits that we addressed on our social media and website earlier this week. Thank you to the Wellness Committee for challenging us to take a break!  We look forward to more events that empower our students to seek healthy breaks from social norms.