Bellefontaine City Schools Consider Filling Vacancies Amongst Deficit


The Bellefontaine Board of Education met in regular session Monday evening.

During the Treasurer’s Report, Josh Wasson reported to the board that Bellefontaine City School will be ending the fiscal year in an over $800,000 deficit.

As a result of deficit spending, the district administrators are considering whether or not to fill over two pages of vacant positions within the district including teachers and school resource officers. Superintendent, Brad Hall, explains what the process is like to consider those positions:

The Board of Education went on to approve the following personnel changes:

  • Professional Personnel – Resignations- Subject to the approval of the Board, the following resignations are hereby accepted effective on the date indicated.Melanie Antram Ingraham Art 5/26/23
    Brian Rohrig HS Science 5/26/23
    Molly Wimmers Kindergarten 5/26/23
    Elijah Woodruff 8th Grade ELA 5/26/23
  •  Professional Personnel – FMLA Leave of Absence- In accordance with the rules and regulations now in effect and subject to the approval of the Board, a leave of absence is hereby granted to the following staff members with the effective date indicated.Shelby Mifsud 3rd Grade ELA 8/28/23
    Alyssa Ward 2nd Grade 5/18/23
  • Professional Personnel – Appointments- Subject to the approval of the Board, the following persons are hereby appointed for services in the public schools of the City School District of Bellefontaine, pending satisfactory clearance from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation for the 2023-2024 school year, at an annual salary in accordance with the schedule now in effect or hereafter adopted by the Board.Andrew Madley Spanish
    Zach Showalter HS Math
    Rachael Stacklin 1st Grade
    Taylor Wayman 5th Grade ELA
  • Service and Support Personnel – Resignations- Subject to the approval of the Board, the following resignation is hereby accepted effective on the date indicated.Cheryl Harman Educational Aide 5/25/23
  • Service and Support Personnel – Appointments- Subject to the approval of the Board, the following persons are hereby appointed to the assignment as indicated, pending satisfactory clearance from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, at the hourly rate of pay now in effect according to the position salary schedule or hereafter adopted by the Board, effective on the date shown.Rebekah Price Food Service Worker 8/31/23
    Mary Sidders Educational Aide 9/5/23
  • Service and Support Personnel – FMLA Leave of Absence- In accordance with the rules and regulations now in effect and subject to the approval of the Board, a leave of absence is hereby granted to the following staff member with the effective date indicated.Thomas Edwards Custodian 4/17/23
  • Service and Support Personnel – Extended Days- Subject to the approval of the Board, the following person(s) are hereby appointed to 6 extended days as indicated, at the hourly rate of pay now in effect according to the position salary schedule or hereafter adopted by the Board, effective on the date shown.Deborah Sheehan Secretary 6/1/2023
  • Supplemental Contract Resignations- Subject to the approval of the Board, the following resignation is hereby accepted effective on the date indicated.

Drew Jackson Boys Soccer (A) 5/23/23

  • Supplemental Contract Appointments – Subject to the approval of the Board, the following persons are hereby appointed for supplemental service in the public schools of the City School District of Bellefontaine pending satisfactory clearance from the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation for the 2023-2024 school year and shall be compensated in accordance with the payment schedule now in effect or hereafter adopted by the Board.
    Andrew Madley 7th Grade Football (H)
    Lindsey Maus MS Cross Country (A)

In the finance portion of the meeting, it was unanimously approved to give all non-represented and represented classified and certified staff a 1.5% raise for the 2023/2024 school year.

Former School Resource Officer (SRO), Allen Huffman addressed the board. Huffman is concerned that his position within the district will not be renewed due to budget cuts. Huffman is a retired Bellefontaine Policeman who served as SRO for the district at BMS for 7 years.

District parent, Brad Flora, expressed his concern that not having a SRO in the Middle School building could have detrimental consequences for the students and staff of the building.

The BOE then moved into executive session to discuss Superintendent and Treasurer performance.