The Benjamin Logan Board of Education met in regular session Monday evening.
For audience participation, a Belle Center parent voiced her concern about how there is no teacher for the College Credit Plus (CCP) Algebra class at the High School. This concern will be researched and a resolution will be found.
An executive session was then held.
In the Superintendent’s Report, a ribbon cutting for the new turf football field and track will be held this Friday at approximately 6:45 pm before the Benjamin Logan vs West Liberty football game.
Superintendent Scheu explains this Friday’s ribbon cutting ceremony for the new artificial turf football field and all-weather track:
A breakfast/lunch menu was created. It’s simply laid out on a one-sided piece of paper that shows the same menu for all three buildings. These will be distributed during Open House.
The board approved several items:
- Armed Response Team Resolution (Armed Response Team of 18 members and issue payment of $300 per member for all required armed response team training)
Superintendent Scheu explains the executive session topic of the board meeting, approving an Armed Response Team:
- ESSER Expenditures; 9 square, benches, concrete work, outdoor learning up to $78,000 (outdoor learning purchases divided among three buildings, to be expended by September of 2024)
Superintendent Scheu explains the outdoor learning educational spaces that will be added to provide a valuable learning and educational experience for students and staff:
The board continued to approve other action items:
- Purchase of awards and events ($1,000 for United Way awards for staff participation in the United Way drive and $1,250 for each the Elementary, Middle, and High schools for staff appreciation)
- Contract with Midwest Regional ESC for listed services in math, ELA, and science/social studies
- Contract with Logan County Sheriff’s Office for providing School Resource Officers
- Contract with WOCO (informational technology center and internet service provider)
- Contract with Perry Corporation – Copier Lease (this new lease is at less cost and the district will be getting brand new copiers in all buildings, one additional copier in the elementary, and an upgrade to three copiers so that all buildings will have color copier)
- Purchase software and services (The elementary and middle school staff have adopted an instructional resource called i-Ready, which is a high-quality assessment and instruction tool to help inform decision-making at the district level)
- Training Contract with the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education
- Longevity and Severance benefits
- Treasurer’s Contract (Jennifer Sudhoff)
- Superintendent’s Contract (John Scheu)
- July 2023 finance report and other financial items
- Interest Resolution for Track and Field Project
- Employment of Personnel-Deduct Days for Laura Mobley
- Employment of Personnel for the 2023-2024 school year (Michell Jones- Step 2 Secretary Scale for clerical work in the transportation department and John Forrest-maintenance $25 per hour, hourly per timesheet)
- Employment of Personnel-New Hire of Jeff Whatley, Bus Driver, Step 0 of a One-Year Limited Contract effective August 1, 2023, through July 31, 2024
- Employment of Personnel-Administrative of Beau Harmon for an additional 36 days (total of 260) beginning August 1, 2023, until the end of the existing contract
- Employment of Personnel-Step Increase for Tammy Poling to Step 12 effective August 1, 2023, to align with her original hire date
- Employment of Personnel-Orton Gillingham Training Stipend in the amount of $1,000, paid from ESSER III funds
- Employment of Personnel-ESC Substitutes
- Employment of Personnel-Supplementals 2023-2024
- Bus Routes and Bus Stops for the 2023-2024 school year as recommended by the Superintendent or Designee, and reserves the right to revise the bus stops during the school year as necessary
- Accepted Donations/Volunteer Services

The meeting then went into executive session.
The first day of classes for students is Tuesday, September 5.
The Benjamin Logan Board of Education will meet next on Monday, September 18 at 6 pm in the Central Office.