Hogan Named Ridgemont Superintendent


Thursday the Ridgemont Board of Education met in a special board meeting that was scheduled to close the financial fiscal year and was led by District Treasurer, Melissa Pollom.

Superintendent Chris Pfister has resigned from the district, effective July 31, 2023, and said, “It has been an honor to serve the district for one year. I want to thank you for the opportunity. I am confident that the new administration and board will continue to move the district forward. I wish the board, staff, and students all the best in the future.”

The Board of Education has hired Brian Hogan as the new Superintendent and he will begin his contract on August 1, 2023. Hogan completed his undergraduate degree from Urbana University and began his career as a teacher for Greeneview Local Schools in southern Ohio, then on to teaching at his alma mater of Bellefontaine City Schools. After obtaining his master’s degree in Educational Leadership and Superintendent License Program from the University of Dayton, he began his administrative career as the K-12 principal at Russia Local Schools in Ohio and has spent the last five years as the 6-12 principal for Waynesfield-Goshen Local Schools.

Hogan’s goal is to be an active and visible member of the community and is looking forward to getting to know all the people of the Ridgemont community.