Indian Lake BOE Reappoints Staley; Gets Special Education Update


In a busy January Board of Education meeting, Indian Lake Board members got an update on the district’s special education services, considered the calendar for the next school year, and appointed a board member to fill a vacant position.

Board members heard from District Director of Special Education Krystal Loy with an update on the services provided.

She told the board that 272 students or 20% of the Indian Lake student population is served by special education services, which is an increase from recent years.

Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood recaps her report, “I just can’t say enough about the effort that our team puts forth. We have such an exceptional support staff who really care for our kids. It’s gratifying to get to share that with the board.” He continued, “We have families who seek to come to Indian Lake just because they know that our special education program is so strong.”

Board members considered the 2024-25 Indian Lake Schools calendar that was chosen by staff members and presented by Superintendent Dr. Rob Underwood.

The first day of school would be August 21st.

After a period of public comment, board members will vote on the calendar at next month’s meeting.

The board also appointed longtime board member Scott Staley to fill the vacant position on the board.

Staley’s petition to run again for his seat in November was rejected by the board of elections for a slight error.

Several other interested community members expressed interest in the seat, as well.

Those applicants were invited to join Dr. Underwood’s District Advisory Council which meets a few times a year to help guide district plans.

Finally, board members each received some small gifts sponsored by the Indian Lake Athletic Department in honor of January as Ohio School Board Appreciation Month.