Logan County Women Impacting Local Girl Scout Group


By: Alli Harlan

Empowering Women met in Judge Natasha R. Kennedy’s Court Room on Monday afternoon.

Many local female elected officials impacted the new Girl Scout Troop #2147 of Bellefontaine as they shared many lessons with the members.

The lunch meeting started with introductions, the following speakers were present in the meeting:

  • Judge Natasha R. Kennedy
  • Judge Kim Kellogg-Martin
  • Recorder, Pat Myers
  • Treasurer, Rhonda Stafford
  • Deputy Clerk of Courts, Jackie Prater
  • City Council Member, Jenna James
  • State Representative, Susan Manchester

Each speaker took the time to explain what their every day looks like as they are all in different jobs, but each speaker showed their involvement in helping the community.

Judge Kennedy’s main focus during the meeting was showing young women that they can do anything they want in their lives.

To show this, each person went around the room and explained how they got to where they were on the job level, and some of the challenges they faced along the way.

Judge Kellogg-Martin mentioned that if you can do anything, be kind because in this world we do not know what is going on in everyone’s lives.

Girl Scout Troop #2147 leaders, Sam Blinn and Nikki Stevens provided the girls with notepads with questions that they asked the leaders.

Troop members asked many questions, some being:

  • How hard is it to solve cases in the courtroom?
  • What made you pick this job when you were young?
  • How many parents have made mistakes in court cases?
  • How long did law school take?

All of the answers to these questions focused on passion, hard work, and giving back to the community.

Troop Leader Sam Blinn talks about the impact the meeting had on the young girls:

Judge Natasha R. Kennedy speaks on her impact on the future generation of women she met with:

If you are interested in helping the scouts with funds, you can catch them selling Girl Scout cookies on:

  • February 24th in the Community Market Parking Lot from noon to 3 p.m.
  • February 25th in the Lowe’s parking lot from 10 a.m. to noon.

They have hit the 1,500 mark on their presale orders already.