The Riverside Board of Education met in regular session Monday night and tackled a light agenda.
Board member Mark Zumberger provided an update from Ohio Hi-Point. He said that there are currently 10 students in the work program. This program allows students to work for one week and attend classes for one week on a rotating basis. He also said the district is looking to add an IT instructor at the main campus as well as one at Indian Lake and one at Marysville.
Athletic Director Rod Yoder informed the Board that fall sports are generally wrapping up and tournaments will be starting soon. Additionally, winter sports will begin their practice sessions in the upcoming weeks. He also said several weeks ago, he received a letter from 2006 grad Perry Kauppinen, a four-year member of the boy’s golf team, who currently works for Taylor Made. The letter said that Kauppinin was going to be donating 36 dozen gold balls to the program. He received the donation recently.
Middle and High School Principal Kelly Kauffman told the Board that Homecoming festivities were well attended. She said there was a record crowd for the dance, parade, and football game. She also relayed to the Board that several students attended the College Day program recently held at Benjamin Logan High School. Kauffman discusses the event:
Kauffman also told the Board that the Logan County Career Day will be coming up next week. The event will see seventh-graders from all over Logan County coming to Riverside to get exposure to different careers. Kauffman talks about Career Day:
Several personnel matters were discussed which added substitute teachers, a paraprofessional to help at the Middle and Elementary schools, and basketball coaches for Freshman boys and Seventh Grade girls.
The Board will next meet on November 14th, 2023 at 6:00 PM.