The Second Harvest Food Bank handed out 400 Holiday Kits in Logan County on Friday.

Here are some frequently asked questions:
What is Holiday Kit distribution?
- These are free Thanksgiving holiday meal kits including food items such as turkey (or chicken), sweet potatoes, a cheesecake mix, and more! These are all drive-thru distributions at various locations across Champaign, Clark, and Logan Counties.
Do I need to register or sign up?
- Nope! No need to register. You just need to bring a photo ID with you to receive the kit. (You do not need another proof of address for these Holiday distributions.)
Who is eligible for the Holidays Kits?
- Anyone who needs help with their holiday meal is eligible for a kit. We ask that you please attend the distribution within your county of residence.
When is the distribution in my county?
- Logan County: Tuesday, November 21st from 11 am – 1 pm at St. Vincent De Paul
- Champaign County: Friday, November 10th from 4:15 – 5:15 pm at St. Paris Firehouse AND Friday, November 17th from 10 am – 1 pm at Champaign County Fairgrounds
How many Holiday Kits can I get?
- We are limiting one-holiday kit per family to ensure there are kits for as many families as possible. At each distribution, these kits are only available while supplies last. You may be a proxy to another family (a person picking up a kit for another person), but we are limiting that to one per vehicle.

*This event was set to take place November 11, however, due to circumstances beyond their control, Second Harvest had to change the date to Friday.*