Tips and Reminders for the Total Solar Eclipse


Today’s the big day, the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse.

This special event will darken the skies across the 124-mile stretch of Ohio, making it a once-in-a-lifetime experience for everyone in its path.

The path of totality is a special area where you get the amazing experience of the sun completely hidden by the moon.

Totality will begin at 3:10 PM EST in Bellefontaine.

What will the eclipse look like in your city?

Check out this simulator.

Just a quick reminder when looking at the eclipse, don’t forget your ISO Certified Eclipse Glasses.

Here are some safety tips from the Logan County Health District:

  • Only look at the eclipse through a special-purpose solar filter
  • Some filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones are unsafe
  • Inspect your solar filter; discard it if it’s scratched or damaged
  • Always supervise children using solar filters
  • Standstill, cover your eyes with your eclipse glasses before looking at the sun
  • Do not look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through an unfiltered camera, telescope, binoculars, or other optical devices
  • Do not look at the sun through a camera, telescope, binoculars, or other optical devices well using your solar eclipse glasses or handheld devices

Several area events continue today, see that list HERE.

The population in the area is expected to double or triple today, and law enforcement says they are ready:

Having so many visitors will have a great impact on our local economy.

We caught up with the President of the Logan County Chamber of Commerce, Ben Vollrath, and talked about what the amount of traffic means for our local economy:

Scott Coleman, Logan County Engineer reminds the public not to stop on roadways. It can become a safety hazard and possibly impede traffic flow.

It will be a partly sunny day with a high of 73 degrees, be safe and enjoy the event!