ARGH! Pirates Be on Their Best Behavior!


Riverside Elementary kicked off the PBIS assembly Wednesday by Super U Challenge.

Students were invited to participate in fun challenges using costumes, funny props, and even some slime to help them learn that they all have the  “Superpower” to choose their words and actions.

The Super U challenge also focused on the importance of respect, kindness, and trust.

Students at Riverside will now be challenged to practice good behavior using ARGH, A- Act responsibly,   R- Respect everyone, G- enGage your mind, and H- Have self-control, in classrooms as well as hallways, the library, playground,  lunchroom, and bus.

Teachers will reward students having good behavior with coins to use at the Pirate Cove shop.

This program was made possible through grants from the Logan County Education Foundation.

Riverside thanks the providers of the James Milroy Foundation grant.