Baughman Harvests Rare Buck on Opening Day of Gun Season


Mark Baughman, of DeGraff, had an unforgettable experience on the first day of the gun season when he shot a rare piebald buck in Logan County. 

This 1½-year-old, 4-point buck features a beautiful and unique hide, which Mark plans to have tanned as a keepsake.

Piebald deer are rare and typically face health challenges due to organ deformities, which often result in shortened lifespans.

This particular buck exhibited an extreme underbite and shorter legs, making it even more exceptional.

Mark’s successful hunt on December 2, 2024, is a once-in-a-lifetime achievement for any hunter.

Per Mike Tonkovich (Ph. D.), a white-tailed deer biologist for the Ohio DNR, Division of Wildlife, hunter-harvested piebald deer — or partial albinos as some people refer to them — occur at a rate of less than 1% in most hunted deer populations.