Benjamin Logan Reassigns Administration at Special Meeting


The Benjamin Logan Board of Education met in a special meeting Wednesday night.

The board first went into a 45-minute-long executive session to discuss administration rearrangement for the 2024/2025 school year.

When the meeting resumed, Superintendant John Scheu announced that two administrators would be retiring at the end of the year.

The reassignment of administrators includes:

  • Scott LeVan- Educational Supervisor to Teacher MA+15- Step 15 (1yr Limited Contract August 1, 2024-July 31, 2025)
  • Colleen Bodin- Special Education Director- ADS II- Step 11, 219 days (2yr Administrative Contract August 1, 2024- July 31, 2026)
  • Holly Barr- Elementary Principal- ADS II- Step 4, 219 days (2yr Administrative Contract August 1, 2024- July 31, 2026)

Superintendent Scheu comments on the changes:

The retirements include:

  • Scott Frederick, Assistant Principal at Benjamin Logan Middle School
  • Brian Hunt, Assistant Principal at Benjamin Logan Elementary School

The reassignment of administrators creates two administration openings within the district:

  • Middle School Principal
  • Middle School Assistant Principal

The district is currently searching for an Elementary Assistant Principal, Middle School Principal, and Middle School Assistant Principal.

An advancement in salary schedule was unanimously approved as listed:


  • Michael Dove
  • Shannon Peterson

Master +15

  • Chelsey Dixon

In other board action, it was approved the employment of personnel per timesheet for the following only:

  • Justin Shupert return to work effective January 16, 2024, with restrictions.  Will be paid per timesheet/diem rate. When restrictions are lifted and resumes full duties, Justin Shupert will resume contractual pay.

Lastly, the board moved to approve the revised 2024-2025 school calendar.

Previously the calendar had not listed Presidents Day of 2025 as a day the schools will be closed.

That oversight was corrected.