The DeGraff Village Council met in regular session Tuesday evening.
Two new applicants have applied to serve the community on the DeGraff Volunteer Fire Department.
Randy Hilliard and Josh Funk are both certified.
A motion was made to accept them and was carried 100%, accepting the two volunteers.
Fire Chief Greg Beatty gives an update on the two new volunteers for the fire department:
A motion was approved for the fire department to take the old fire truck to both the Mechanicsburg and West Liberty Labor Day Festivals.
The Water Loop Project will have bid openings on August 29. The grant through the commissioners for the water loop will fix the aging infrastructure.
The Riverside EMS donated an automated external defibrillator (AED) estimated at a value of $3,500 to the police department.
There are five properties within the village that will be getting their first letter requiring them to clean their properties, most of them needing to control extensive weed issues.
New picnic tables were recently placed at The DeGraff Park.
Council approved three ordinances and resolutions:
- Ordinance 2023-33: An Ordinance authorizing the Village Administrator to enter into an amended contract with the architect/engineer for the Village of DeGraff, Ohio well water treatment plant improvement project and declaring an emergency in the Village of DeGraff, Ohio
- Ordinance 2023-34: Ohio Model Flood Damage Reduction Regulations
- Resolution 2023-35: A Resolution transferring various sums of money within the year 2023 budget within various funds listed herein, in order to pay obligated expenditures, and declare an emergency
The next council meeting will be on September 5th at 7 pm in the DeGraff City Building.