Now that roads are open to the affected areas, Indian Lake High School is transitioning its role in this disaster.
Their teams of volunteers are now working to get collected supplies into Lakeview and Russells Point community service agencies and churches to distribute needed items faster and more easily.
ILHS is open today until 4 pm for showers and to gather supplies.
ILHS will no longer serve as an overnight shelter because of a lack of usage for that purpose.
They are working with the Red Cross at the First Church of God in Bellefontaine, which is now serving as a shelter for people and pets.
They can help arrange transportation to that shelter.
For help, please call Shawntell at 937-407-1851 or the First Church of God at 937-592-5400.
DeGraff Conerstone Church is open for showers.
Other churches helping in the Indian Lake Community include (but are not limited to) Indian Lake Community Church, St. Marys of the Woods/St Vincent de Paul, and Galilee Lutheran Church.