Indian Lake Works to Recover; Law Enforcement Update


The Indian Lake region is working to recover from Thursday’s tornado.

The National Weather Service has confirmed that eight tornados touched down around Ohio. The tornado that ripped through Russells Point and Lakeview has been classified as an E3. An E3 tornado has estimated wind speeds between 136 and 165 mph tornado wind speeds and is considered a severe tornado.

The Indian Lake High School located on State Route 235 just outside of Lewistown is open as a shelter and is full of supplies, food, clothing, personal hygiene and so much more. All items are free and the public is welcome to come and get what they need. They have asked for donations to pause except Duct Tape, tarps, and flashlights. Volunteers will be delivering supplies out in the area as well.

Indian Lake Nazarene Church on the North side of Indian Lake is open with lots of food, water, and clothing. They are located at 13699 State Route 235.

The Washington Township and Russells Point Police Departments continue to work on Emergency Management. They said they have spoken with AES and they say power may not be restored to the area for quite some time. They are requesting donations of gasoline generators, gas cans, heavy-duty (10-12 gauge ONLY, 50-100 feet), electric heaters (medium to large room only), and LED lamps for home lighting. Those items can be donated to their departments. Orchard and Wolf Islands are open to resident traffic ONLY. Supplies and clothing are also available at Spend-a-Day Marina for those in need.

The Logan County EMA and Logan County Sheriff’s Office have issued the following joint statement: “Search and rescue have been completed. We are beginning to move into the Recovery Phase with the help of select agencies. The area is still very dangerous. We urge caution to everyone. Damage assessments will begin tomorrow and we anticipate sharing that information once it is complete. The Logan County Sheriff’s Office will continue to provide extra patrol for the foreseeable future. Please, if you are not a resident and do not need to be in the area we ask that you avoid the area.”

The 2024 Maple Syrup festival has been canceled. They hope to reschedule in the future.

Below are photos from around Lakeview of the devastation, courtesy of Gary Kauffman.