Lakeview Tornado Siren Down; Indian Lake Shelters Open


Lakeview mayor, Elaine Fagan-Moore, reminds Lakeview residents that the village’s tornado siren was damaged in the March 14th tornado and is not working.

You are asked to sign up for the Logan County Alert, run by the Logan County EMA.

Registering with the Community Alerts option will notify your cellular phone and email of local emergencies and community alerts.

Hyper-Reach will automatically call your listed landline number for Community Alerts, but will only call listed landlines for Weather Alerts if you sign them up.

You need to sign up for any unlisted landline number or cell number.

To sign up for the alerts, click HERE.

It will ask for your home address and telephone number.


If you are looking for a storm-safe shelter, two have opened in Russells Point.

The Indian Lake Community Church has opened its basement and The Red Cross also has the Galilee Lutheran Church open.

Residents are more than welcome to go to those locations to ride out the storms in the area today.