Logan County Jr. Fair Seeks Royalty Applications


Who will the 2024 Logan County Jr. Fair King & Queen be?

Logan County Fair Royalty applications are due Wednesday, May 1st, and can be turned in to the Extension Office.

The Logan County Fair is set for July 7-13, 2024.

Eligibility includes:
● Logan County Fair Royalty will involve active members of the Logan County Junior Fair (4-H, FFA)
● Queen & King candidates must be 16-19 years of age (as of January 1st of the current year)
● Princess & Prince candidates must be 12-15 years of age (as of January 1st of the current year)
● Candidates may not be married (present or previously), have not had a child, and are not pregnant when competing
in the contest or during the time of reign
● Candidates may not incur any offense including, but not limited to, any alcohol offense, unruly behavior, or
disorderly conduct

● 2024 Logan County Fair Royalty Interviews will be held at the end of June
● 2024 Logan County Fair Royalty Contest will be held on Sunday, July 7th
● Candidates will be provided with interview information via email after the application deadline
● A panel of judges will carefully review candidate applications, interview eligible candidates individually in June, and judge the candidate during the Royalty Contest on Sunday, July 7th
● Scoring System: Application, Interview, Professionalism, Community Involvement, & Contest Poise
● Judges will select a Queen, Queen First Runner Up, King, Princess, and Prince if enough applicants apply. Judges reserve the right to not crown an individual if they do not see they are fit for the requirements and representation of Logan County

Royalty Expectations:
As a Logan County Fair Royalty Member, you will take on various responsibilities.

Below you will find the expectations of our Logan County Fair Royalty throughout the fair week and the year of your reign.

Please carefully review the following information:

1. Personal Conduct
● As a representative of the Logan County Fair, you are expected to conduct yourself with integrity, professionalism, and respect for others at all times
● Maintain a positive and friendly attitude towards fellow 4-H and FFA members, fair officials, judges, sponsors, and fair attendees
● Set a positive example for younger fair attendees and aspiring contestants by serving as an ambassador for the Logan County Fair

2. Appearance
● Dress appropriately for all fair-related events, adhering to the guidelines provided by the fair board and royalty coordinator
■ Business casual dress is expected at all events throughout the week
■ Females: This includes dress pants/capris or dresses right above the knee. Shirts should not below cut or have spaghetti straps
■ Males: This includes khakis/nice jeans and a dress shirt or polo
● Present yourself in a neat and well-groomed manner at all times. Fair officials reserve the right to ask you to change your attire

3. Public Speaking and Interviews
● Prepare a short introduction speech to be delivered at shows and events that you appear at during fair week
● Be available for interviews with local media outlets as requested
● Demonstrate excellent interpersonal and communication skills

4. Participation in Fair Events
● Attend and actively participate in as many fair events as possible including livestock shows, community events, ceremonies, and auctions
● Be available for photo opportunities with fair attendees and sponsors
● Conduct tours with visiting royalty

5. Community Engagement
● Engage with fair attendees, answer their questions, and provide information about the fair’s events and attractions
● Thank businesses in the merchant buildings for their support
● Throughout the year you will actively participate in pre-contest and post-contest activities, which may include parades, charity events, promotional activities, and fairground preparations

6. Fair Promotion
● It is the expectation of the Logan County Fair Board that royalty attend as many other Ohio county fairs within reason, especially our neighboring counties such as Champaign, Hardin, Union, and Shelby County
● Participate in the Ohio Fairs Queen contest held during the Ohio Fair Managers Convention in January. More details to be provided at a later date
● Work with the royalty coordinator to submit social media promotions for the Logan County Fair during and leading up to the 2025 fair
● Encourage community involvement and attendance at fair events

Please note that these responsibilities are subject to change or include additional duties as determined by the Fair Board.

Logan County Fair Royalty participation is not only an opportunity for personal growth but also a chance to showcase the pride we have in our fair and community.

Download the application HERE.