Submitted by Jamie Ross
Indian Lake recently named their seniors of the month for August.
Name: Paige Mefford
Parents: Missy and Daren Mefford
Address: Lewistown
School Activities and awards: Volleyball, Swimming, Softball, Meistersingers, Key Club, BPA, Science Club, Student Council, Class President, Scholar Athlete, Honor Roll, Honda Achievement Breakfast, and Youth Leadership.
If I were principal for a day: I would allow pets in school.
Favorite school memory: Friday night football games are always memorable. I learned to love them when I got to watch my brothers play.
People who have been an inspiration to me include: My mom, my dad, my best friends, my grandparents, and especially my brothers.
Lately, I’ve been reading: Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
My advice to parents: Let your kids be involved in as much as possible. Yes, it can be stressful at times but they make so many memories and they only have so long to be involved in school activities.
My biggest regret: Not playing softball sooner. It has become one of my favorite sports to play and I’ve met some of my best friends through the sport.
Next year I will be: Attending an undecided college for an undecided major but I’ll be somewhere doing something I just don’t know what or where.

Name: Brant Parsell
Parents: Brian and Michelle Parsell
Address: Bellefontaine
School Activities and awards: Soccer, Cross Country, Swimming, Track, Meistersingers, Vocal Jazz, Musical, National Honor Society, Key Club, Science Club, Honor Roll, Honda Achievement Breakfast, Youth Leadership, United Way, and Journalism
If I were principal for a day: I would make Mondays optional for students and staff.
Favorite school memory: My friends and I painting our bodies for the football games
People who have been an inspiration to me include: My parents, coaches, siblings, and friends
Lately, I’ve been reading: The Maze Runner series
My advice to parents: We make mistakes because we are kids. Let us learn from our mistakes.
My biggest regret: Being a shy and quiet freshman
Next year I will be: Attending the Hobart Institute of Welding