ODNR Shares Indian Lake Vegetation Survey Update


The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) is pleased to share updates on the recent vegetation survey conducted at Indian Lake and the ongoing efforts to manage aquatic vegetation:

On April 24, ODNR received preliminary results from the early season vegetation survey carried out by Restorative Lake Sciences (RLS) from April 14-19. This survey aimed to update data and map active plant growth and density in Indian Lake.

The survey results indicate a significant decrease in Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) presence in the lake, with EWM found in only 22 acres compared to 700 acres in 2023, demonstrating the success of treatments for EWM.

Survey findings also identified 2275 acres of Curly-leaf pondweed distributed throughout the lake, with the highest concentrations in the open zone. Dr. Jennifer L. Jermalowicz-Jones from RLS recommended that ODNR immediately commence harvesting operations in the densest areas of Curly-leaf pondweed growth to maintain navigation.

On April 25, ODNR initiated harvesting operations in dense areas of Curly-leaf pondweed growth near Oldfield Beach, deploying three weed harvesters and a transport barge on the lake. Beginning April 29, additional contracted weed harvesters will join ODNR machines in the effort.

ODNR staff, along with partners from Restorative Lake Sciences and AquaDoc (ODNR’s contracted herbicide applicator), are collaborating to review and plan recommended herbicide applications targeting the remaining areas of Eurasian Watermilfoil. Due to the success of treatments in 2022 and 2023, herbicide applications are expected to be minimal in 2024.

ODNR remains committed to managing aquatic vegetation at Indian Lake and is swiftly reviewing and implementing the objective, science-based recommendations provided by RLS.