Calvary Christian recently announced their Seniors of the Month.
Name: Karlie Penhorwood
Daughter of: Kurt & Jenny Penhorwood and the late Melissa Penhorwood
School activities and awards: Soccer, Basketball, Track, YLA, Key Club
People who have inspired me: Jesus
Lately, I have been reading: The Bible
My advice to parents: Trust your kids.
My favorite scripture verse: Ezra 10:4 Rise up, this matter is in your hands. We will support you, so take courage and do it.
What I will be doing after high school: I will be doing volunteer work with different animal rescues and conservations.
What I’m looking forward to after high school: Working for a cause.
What I will miss the most: My friends.
Name: Thomas Hayes
Son of: Joe & Valerie Kyner
School activities and awards: Band, Golf, Archery, Yearbook
If I were principal for a day: I would create a special high school chapel
My advice to parents: Don’t make grades your kids’ entire life. If they are putting in real effort and still getting imperfect grades, don’t punish them for it.
My favorite scripture verse: 1 John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
What I will be doing after high school: I plan to go straight into the workforce at NEXAL.
What I’m looking forward to after high school: Not getting up so early.
What I will miss the most: Summer Break.