United Way Hosting Blood Drive This Friday as Part of Community Care Day


United Way’s 8th annual Community Care Day is this Friday.

More than 300 volunteers have already registered to work on 50 pre-coordinated service projects throughout Logan County.

And there’s one more opportunity for you to participate.

A blood drive for Community Blood Center is also taking place as a part of Community Care Day.

Community Blood Center reports a shortage of Type 0 and B- blood right now.

The Bloodmobile will be stationed in the parking lot of Bellefontaine Grace Church (2220 S. Main St.) where Community Care Day launches at 8:00 a.m.  30 slots remain available between 8:00 a.m. and Noon.

Donors can make their appointment online at www.uwlogan.org or by calling (937) 592-2886.

All donors at the United Way Blood Drive will receive a free t-shirt, a voucher to pick up a free pizza from Six Hundred Downtown on Friday and be entered into a drawing to win Cincinnati Bengals season tickets.

Each day, Community Blood Services schedules up to seven mobile blood drives throughout their service area to collect at least 250 pints of whole blood to supply hospitals and sufficiently meet patient transfusion needs.

The annual need is projected at more than 70,000 units of blood products.

All donated blood becomes part of the general blood supply.

Each unit of blood is tested, typed, processed, and then distributed daily to the area hospitals, including Mary Rutan Hospital in Bellefontaine.