Vermillion joins Parks & Recreation Board


By Kris Allen

Bellefontaine City Council approved a recommendation from Mayor Ben Stahler to bring on Kaileigh Vermillion as the newest Joint Parks and Recreation Board member. Vermillion will assume the seat currently filled by Karen Brady, and she will serve the board for the next three years.

Mayor Stahler also notified council that he recently swore in a new police officer that will be leaving for the training academy in the near future. This appointment fills the vacancy created by the retirement of officer Greg Van Buskirk.

Service/Safety Director Wes Dodds relayed to council that the South Main Street paving and striping project is complete, with the last of the signs to be taken down tomorrow. He also reminded council of the Bellefontaine Hometown Christmas celebration coming up on December 3rd. The event will necessitate the closure of several streets, some as early as 10:00 AM.

Police Chief Brandon Standley informed council that he was informed that the state will be releasing grant funds to help with recruitment. The funds, from the Ohio Office of Law Enforcement Recruitment Fund, will be designated to help recruit police employees to Bellefontaine. He is unsure of the size of the grant, but a resolution passed by council later in the meeting will enable the city to accept the money.

In the communications from citizens portion of the meeting, Adam Brannon, location coordinator of Wreaths Across America informed council that on Saturday, December 17th, the organization will be laying wreaths on veterans’ graves at the Bellefontaine Cemetery. The wreaths can be sponsored for $15.

For information about sponsoring a wreath or to get involved, go to

There were numerous ordinances read, most of which involved appropriations and compensation. Two ordinances were adopted, one that allows for the hiring of a part-time Professional Engineer and the other that allowed for compensation for the Bellefontaine Municipal Court judge for 2023.

Council will meet again on December 6th at 7:30 PM.