Submitted by Sally Stolly
The Benjamin Logan Board of Education met Monday evening.
The board approved two new School Resource Officers, Neill Rhodes and Rick Herring, and they will start on Tuesday, September 6th to add an extra layer of protection at the school.
During their first couple of months, Rhodes and Herring will get acclimated to the culture of each building and set up a home base for relationship-building in a particular school building.
In Superintendent John Scheu’s report, he said training is underway for the potential armed response team. 22 staff members are interested in being trained.
The firearms training and range practice were offered in two sessions with more hours to be offered. The Logan County Sheriff’s Office provided the ammunition for the training.
Here are the highlights:
Policy update Second Reading/Approval 6325 (Procurement-Federal Grants/Funds-Revised)
The Board authorizes the Superintendent and Treasurer to execute an agreement with C&T Design and Equipment Co. for the quoted project, to be paid with federal funds (Cafeteria- 006). (TWO DISHWASHERS FOR MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL CAFETERIAS)
The Board authorizes the Superintendent and Treasurer to execute an agreement with XTEK PARTNERS for the quoted project, to be paid with federal grant funds (ESSER). (CHROMEBOOK PURCHASE)
Appoint 2022 OSBA Delegate – Karen Dill
Approve Disposal of Records
Superintendent Report
Referenced the new district calendar printed by A & B Printing in Fort Loramie and designed by Steve Smith of the Bellefontaine Examiner; coordinated by Sally Stolly
(Note to the community: Please refer to the district website for the most up-to-date schedule of fall sports activities.)
Motion to approve the July 2022 Finance reports.
Bank Reconciliation and Financial Reports for July 2022.
All bills for July 2022 and confirm they are for a proper public purpose.
Annual Commercial Paper reporting requirements
Motion to approve deduct days for individuals as listed.
Employment of Personnel – New Hires
One-Year Limited Contract (Effective August 1, 2022, through July 31, 2023)
Jill Rowe- Bus Driver Step 1
Conrad Potvin- Bus Driver Step 0
Scott Karstetter- Maintenance Step 0 (Effective September 6, 2022)
Two-Year Limited Contract (Effective August 1, 2022, through July 31, 2024)
Joshua Bowen – Computer Technician
Keith Snyder – Custodian
Motion to approve the employment of Michell Jones- Step 1 Secretary Scale for clerical work in the transportation department for the 2022-2023 school year. Payment issued per hour, per timesheet. Not to exceed 25 hours per week.
Motion to approve the classified substitute as listed for the 2022-2023 school year, contingent upon completion of all O.R.C. employment requirements.
Food Service
Michele Inskeep, Cassie Coleman, Rhonda Brogan, Mark Long, Erica Caudill, Stephanie Martin, and Linda Patrick.
Ashlee Phillips, Mark Long, Lisa Stover, Mel Roberts, Jon Appelfeller, and Brenda Mitchell.
Michele Inskeep, Kerri Sullivan, and Kara Wenger
Anita King
Motion to approve the ESC substitute list for the 2022-2023 school year, contingent upon completion of all O.R.C. employment requirements at the rate of $115 per day.
Motion to approve the following individuals on supplemental contracts for the 2022-2023 school year and be placed at the respective level of the salary schedule upon completion of all O.R.C requirements. Guard/Majorette/Flag Advisor- Aileen Gordon Step 2
Motion to accept the listed donations/volunteer services.
$200.00 from Belle Center United Presbyterian Church for the purpose of Elementary School Supplies
Hand wipes and sanitizer from Lowe’s of Bellefontaine
Volunteer Coaches:
Soccer Coach Girls – Kyle Trees
Soccer Coach Boys – Jesse Todd