Core Arrested on Multiple Charges Wednesday Night


Late Wednesday night, Bellefontaine Police received a call from a concerned citizen that a car traveling on West Sandusky was “all over the road”.

Officers located a vehicle matching the caller’s description and watched it make a narrow turn onto North Main Street almost hitting another vehicle.

The vehicle then continued down the street, weaved in its lane, and struck a curb.

Officers attempted to initiate a traffic stop.

Before the vehicle stopped it continued northbound, driving up over the curb and onto the grass, and going several feet before stopping.

Officers approached the vehicle and spoke with the driver, Elizabeth Core, 64, of Rushsylvania, and could smell alcoholic beverages coming from her.

Core was asked to step out of the vehicle, and refused.

She then attempted to put the vehicle into drive to flee the scene.

Officers reacted quickly and turned off the vehicle.

Again, Core was asked to exit the vehicle and she refused.

Officers assisted her from the vehicle and placed her into handcuffs.

Core was unsteady on her feet and had to be assisted to the patrol vehicle.

Once at the Logan County Jail, she became combative, refused to comply with officers, and had to be placed in a restraint chair.

Core was charged with OVI, driving in marked lanes, failure to control, and driving on the sidewalk.