Effective immediately, Green Hills Community and Universal Home Health and Hospice (a Green Hills-operated home-based services entity), have agreed to become part of the Otterbein SeniorLife organization.
The Otterbein Green Hills SeniorLife Community, as it is now called, is one of 26 entities in the Otterbein senior care network. The Otterbein network is comprised of 11 senior communities, 9 stand-alone nursing neighborhoods, two home health agencies, three hospice agencies, and a staffing agency.
Jill Wilson, Otterbein President and CEO, in announcing the finalization of the affiliation to Otterbein Green Hills residents and employees said, “We are so very pleased to join forces with Green Hills Community. Their track record of providing faith-based care and specializing in lifestyle choices that enhance the physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects of residents, while respecting the need for independence, privacy, and self-esteem, will strengthen our organization and open up all kinds of strategic opportunities to carry out our mission.”
Bill Brownson, Otterbein Senior Life Board Chair said, “Our board could not pass up the opportunity to affiliate with a like-minded organization committed to exceptional stewardship. We believe the synergies of our organizations blend very well and will contribute greatly to continued excellent care and support for all residents and work experiences for all employees.”
Mike Ray, the Otterbein Green Hills Executive Director, said “The affiliation with Otterbein gives Green Hills Community several advantages for future growth and success. These include a vision to reposition the community and increase investment in the campus, both the result of enhanced access to debt restructuring and capital. By joining forces with a large, multi-site entity, Green Hills Community can increase its resources and purchasing power, which ultimately leads to providing enhanced facilities and continued excellence in care.”
Members of the Otterbein Executive Leadership Team have been on the Green Hills campus several times throughout the affiliation process and met with partners (employees) and residents answering a wide variety of questions about the affiliation and future direction of the community. In the affiliation, Otterbein SeniorLife is the sole owner of Green Hills Community. Otterbein Green Hills SeniorLife Community and Universal Home Health and Hospice is retaining staff, a leadership team, and the local board of directors; but now with support from a home office team to enhance leverage for sales, marketing, communications, financial analyses, strategic planning, procurement, human resources, etc.
“I am very pleased the affiliation is complete, and ready for the opportunity ahead to continue the Otterbein mission – Inspired by faith, we strive to enrich individual life journeys for all,’” said Mr. Ray.