Submitted by Jamie Ross
Indian Lake High School recently announced its seniors of the month.
Name: Regan Ross
Parents: Chad and Jamie Ross
School Activities and Awards: 4 Years Varsity Golf, 3 Years First Team CBC Golf, 3-Time District Qualifier Girls Golf, 4 Years ILHS Varsity Basketball Cheer, 4 Years ILHS Competition Cheer, CBC Honorable Mention Cheer, CBC Second Team Cheer, CBC First Team Cheer, 4 Years Track and Field, 4 Years Marching Band, Co-Drumline Captain, 4 Years ILHS Symphonic Band, 4 Years ILHS Chorale, ILHS Chorale President, 4 Years ILHS Musical, 4 Years ILHS Meistersingers Show Choir, 2 Years ILHS Vocal Jazz Ensemble, District Honors Choir, 4 Years ILHS Key Club, ILHS Key Club President, 2 Years National Honor Society, CBC Cup Team Coach, 2 Years Honda Achievement Breakfast Honoree, 4 Years 4.0 Honor Roll
If I were principal for a day: I would make a mandatory rest/relaxation period after lunch so students could unwind from their classes and focus on their mental health.
Favorite school memory: My favorite memory is being chosen by my classmates to be Senior Homecoming Attendant.
People who have been an inspiration to me include: I’m inspired by my parents, Mr. Levingston, Mrs. Dukowitz-Holt, and Mrs. Notestine.
Lately, I’ve been reading: A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor by Hank Green
My advice to parents: Kids get tired, too. It’s not always “being lazy.”
My biggest regret: I regret not talking to as many people as I should have and not putting myself out there more. Also, I regret not being able to join the swim team.
Next year I will be: Attending Ohio University’s School of Music to pursue a degree in Music Therapy.

Name: Gavin Lones
Parents: Todd and Courtney Lones
School Activities and Awards: Baseball, NHS, BPA, Science Club, Key Club, Honor Roll, Scholar Athlete, First Team CBC for Baseball
If I were principal for a day: I would have a school-wide Skyline Chili buffet so all of Indian Lake could get a taste of heaven.
Favorite school memory: I enjoy being in Mr. Reprogle’s Psychology/Sociology class because every day is a memory.
People who have been an inspiration to me include: I’m inspired by Derek Jeter, Brock Purdy, and Kevin Hart.
Lately, I’ve been reading: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley for English class
My advice to parents: Encourage your kids to go play outside and go to school events. I think kids today are spending more time on electronic devices and are losing social skills.
My biggest regret: I regret not continuing to play basketball after middle school.
Next year I will be: Attending Wittenberg University with an undecided major and playing baseball