Submitted by Jamie Ross
Indian Lake High School will add more than two dozen new members to a group that recognizes character, scholarship, leadership, and service.
A total of 27 Lakers were “tapped” as new members of the Indian Lake High School National Honor Society recently. The students were chosen based on an application process for students in grades 11 and 12 who have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
Senior NHS members tapped new members in an all-school assembly. Then each new member lit their flame from the NHS candle and took the oath to signify their commitment to character, scholarship, leadership, and service. Students will be officially inducted into the National Honor Society during a Logan County event at Riverside High School on November 15th at 6 p.m.
Inductees are Ashlynn Biederman, Rebecca Bihn, Anne Braig, Madison Brentlinger, Jenna Cooper, Haylee Edwards, Maddux Hall, Savannah Hill, Hannah Hoffman, Jessie Jacobs, Grant McPherson, Hannah Metzger, KaiLea Miller, Makayla Motter, Ellie Mouser, Logan Murphy, Brody Parsell, Katie Roby, Tori Roby, Massie Romanowski, Amelia Schmiedebusch, Kaitlyn Shaner, Ava Shroyer, Gillian Taylor, Camdon Tuttle, Emery Wagner, and Creek Wischmeyer.
Photo 1: New Inductees- (front row left to right) Tori Roby, KaiLea Miller, Gillian Taylor, Ashlynn Biederman, Jenna Cooper, and Hannah Hoffman
(middle row left to right) Ava Shroyer, Katie Roby, Madison Brentlinger, Massie Romanowski, Anne Braig, Hannah Metzger, Amelia Schmiedebusch, Kaitlyn Shaner, Rebecca Bihn and Jessie Jacobs
(back row left to right) Savannah Hill, Haylee Edwards, Maddux Hall, Camdon Tuttle, Creek Wischmeyer, Logan Murphy, Emery Wagner, Grant McPherson, Brody Parsell, Ellie Mouser, and Makayla Motter