OHP Board Hires New Indian Lake Ag Instructor


The Ohio Hi-Point Board of Education met in regular session Wednesday evening.

Kelsey King was hired as the new Indian Lake Satellite Agriculture Instructor to replace Tanner Schoen. Her contract is from August 1, 2023-June 30, 2024. King was previously the Data & Assessment Coordinator and resigned from that position effective July 31, 2023.

King, the new Agriculture Education Instructor for Indian Lake Schools, explains why she’s looking forward to working with the Indian Lake agriculture students:

There’s a new partnership that will take place this upcoming school year with the engineering program. AGC and Belletech will be leasing two of their engineers to alternate days and courses to teach the program. This partnership will be very beneficial as students will be prepared directly for the engineering field, along with other positive aspects.

Ohio Hi-Point’s Communications Coordinator, Kelsey Webb, explains the new partnership with AGC and Belletech for the engineering program:

The board approved several items:

  • Resignations of Tanner Schoen, Indian Lake Agriculture Education Satellite Instructor, effective August 1, 2023, and Dawn Wallace, Graham Agriculture Education Satellite Instructor, effective, June 30, 2024.
  • Approved to establish the full-time certified substitute pay at $165 per day effective August 1, 2023.
  • Approved George Noeth as a Full-Time Substitute Teacher – Academic & Lab effective August 1, 2023
  • Approved Robin Harrington as the Special Education Coordinator effective August 8, 2023.
  • Approved the shared service agreement as presented for AGC/Belletech and Performance Columbus.
  • Approved the following cafeteria price changes, in conjunction with and to meet the minimum required increase as dictated by the Price Equity Requirements from the USDA: Lunch Tray–$3.05 and Breakfast Tray–$2.00 (no price increase from last school year)
  • Approved Dr. Gregg Fulmer, Mary Rutan Hospital of Bellefontaine, OH, to serve as school physician for the 2023/2024 school year, at an annual retainer fee of $1.00.
  • Approved Justin Rigsby as the CT Supervisor (Assistant Principal), Grades 7-12 effective August 1, 2023-July 31, 2025.
  • Approved to authorize the purchase of Airtame Cloud Plus and RiseVision from MNJ Technologies Direct, Inc., for $4,504.95 with federal safety grant monies.
  • Approved Kelsey King as the Agriculture Education Instructor effective August 1, 2023-June 30, 2024.
  • Approved the online instructional plan for calamity days as follows: to the extent possible, Ohio Hi-Point will provide for teacher-directed synchronous learning in which the teacher and students are interacting in real-time on a virtual learning platform during the closure using a specific plan.

The board went on to approve several out-of-state study trips:

  • Approved Ali Peterson, Graham Satellite Agriculture Instructor, to chaperone 14 students to Indianapolis, IN, to the National FFA Convention for two single dates between November 1-4, 2023. This will not be an overnight trip for students.
  • Dawn Wallace, Graham Satellite Agriculture Instructor, to chaperone 20 students to Indianapolis, IN, to the National FFA Convention, November 1-4, 2023.
  • Dawn Wallace, Graham Satellite Agriculture Instructor, to chaperone 7 students to West Lafayette, IN, to a competition at Purdue University, October 19-23, 2023.
  • Jon Smith & Mitchell Gehret, Triad Satellite Agriculture Instructors, to chaperone 14 students to Indianapolis, IN, to the National FFA Convention, November 1-4, 2023.
  • Julia Hicks and Matt Roth, Kenton Satellite Agriculture Instructors, to chaperone 20 students to Indianapolis, IN, to the National FFA Convention, November 1-4, 2023.
  • Aaron Thompson, Upper Scioto Valley Satellite Agriculture Instructor, and Kelsey King, Indian Lake Satellite Agriculture Instructor, to chaperone 35 students to Indianapolis, IN, to the National FFA Convention, October 31-November 4, 2023.
  • Molly Harshbarger, Riverside Satellite Agriculture Instructor, to chaperone 15 students to Indianapolis, IN, to the National FFA Convention, October 31-November 3, 2023. This will not be an overnight trip for students.
  • Kelsey King, Indian Lake Satellite Agriculture Instructor, to chaperone 4 students to West Springfield, MA, for a Poultry Judging Competition, September 13-18, 2023.

The board approved an out-of-state professional development trip:

  • Ashley Thompson, Marysville Satellite Agriculture Instructor to attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN, October 30, 2023 – November 3, 2023.

The meeting then went into Executive Session.

The next Ohio Hi-Point Board of Education Meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 23, at 7 p.m.