A dispute between neighbors Christine Greener and an unnamed victim has escalated into legal action following multiple incidents of harassment.
Sunday, Bellefontaine Police responded to a call where a victim reported that Greener has been persistently harassing him, despite his clear requests for her to leave him alone. According to the victim, Greener’s behavior included unsolicited communication and attempts to befriend him and his wife, despite their clear refusal. The victim has expressed that he is tired of the ongoing harassment.
Greener, who admitted to being advised by police previously to avoid contact with the victim, has reportedly made threatening remarks about her husband’s military training and his willingness to confront the victim physically. She has also mentioned that her husband, who is experiencing medical issues, could still handle physical confrontations.
The victim provided a voluntary witness statement detailing his interactions with Greener and reported an incident from July 4, 2024, where Greener approached him in her vehicle, offering to speak with him despite his clear objections.
Greener has been issued a citation for disorderly conduct and is scheduled to appear in court this week. Officers have instructed her to cease all contact with the victim.