Bellefontaine Police responded to a 9-1-1 call to a home on the 600 block of North Main Street early this morning.
When officers arrived, they saw a man and a woman sitting on the floor. The woman had swelling and bruising above her left eye.
The victim claimed the male, later identified as Donte Stenson, 33, of Bellefontaine, had beaten her multiple times during an argument about food in their home. Stenson was staying with the victim and her son for the past two weeks.
She said he was upset because her son had eaten all of the ice cream in the freezer. When she defended her son, Stenson became outraged and started throwing things around the home. He emptied the refrigerator, turned over a table, and knocked a television off a table in the bedroom.
Police say Stenson wrestled the woman to the ground, ripped her shirt, and dragged her by the hair around the kitchen.
When the victim tried to call 9-1-1, Stenson took the phone away from her.
Stenson was taken into custody but refused to sit in the officer’s patrol car. He was tased twice in the attempts to get him into the vehicle.
The victim was taken to Mary Rutan Hospital for treatment of injuries.
Stenson was arrested and lodged in Logan County Jail for felonious assault and disrupting public services.
Stenson Arrested; Felonious Assault and Disrupting Public Service