Congratulations to West Liberty-Salem’s March Seniors of the Month, Lillian Weaver and Owen Deere.
Lillian Weaver is the daughter of Rosalind & Gary Weaver.
School Activities and Awards: Women’s soccer (4 varsity letters, Captain, 2nd Team All Miami Valley) / Women’s Basketball (4 varsity letters, Captain, 1st Team OHC) / Track & Field (2 varsity letters, 2021 State Champions) / Concert & Marching Band (Saxophone section leader) / Show Choir / Musical / National Honor Society (Vice President) / Student Council/ Class Officers (Treasurer) / Linkcrew / KeyClub / iPad Committee
If I were principal for a day: I would pull pranks on the students like handing out unnecessary detentions or calling them into my office to scare them.
Favorite school memory: Being a part of the varsity basketball team my freshman year, though sitting on the bench, I and the other freshies got to be the most energetic bench and cheer on an amazing team that my sister was a part of.
People who have been an inspiration to me include: my sisters.
Because: They’ve taught me how to have compassion and love others, also how to work diligently and strive for the best.
Lately, I have been reading: Hamlet
My advice to parents: discipline your children but don’t hold them on too tight of a leash.
My biggest regret: never learning how to play piano.
Next year I will be: attending a four-year university studying Forensic Psychology.
Owen Deere is the son of Amy & Brendan Deere.
School Activities and Awards: Work-Release Program and Highest Honors
If I were principal for a day: I would do another ‘No Technology Day’ so all of the students have face-to-face conversations.
Favorite school memory: In 5th grade Gabe, Peyton, and I were laughing so hard during our presentation that we were told to sit down and Mrs. Orahood gave us all an “A”.
People who have been an inspiration to me include: Dave Crawford and Amy Deere
Because: They have taught me that no matter how hard life is never give up and keep on pushing forward.
Lately, I have been reading: Evidence For The Resurrection
My advice to parents: Teenagers can be right too, sometimes they’re just mean about it.
My biggest regret: I wish I had played sports my senior year.
Next year I will be: a full-time working Paramedic.